Tornado Malaguti Stump Grinder with oscillating front mount!The stump grinder with the power of a... Tornado! Fast, productive, efficient: the Tornado stump grinder is one of our flagship products...
Stump grinder TORNADO + Support FootOur range of Malaguti equipment for earthmoving machines is extensive and diverse, allowing operation in various fields while always...
The Use of Wooden Poles for Landslide Containment and Ditch EmbankmentWooden poles represent a valuable tool in civil engineering for landslide containment and ditch embankment. These elements not only...
Pile driver for concrete and steel posts!Plury equipped with the grapple (Log Grapple) is the optimal solution for driving wooden posts with a pile driver, but thanks to the kits...
The PLURY PROJECT! The Plury project was born in Malaguti to satisfy the need on site regarding versatility and speed of execution. In a world that is...
PLURY with LOG GRAPPLE(Pile Driver) m Log Grapple is the versatile log grapple with pile driver from Malaguti for interventions in agriculture but also for...
GIORGIO CANGINI - EXPECTATIONS KEPTMalaguti is gradually and inexorably growing and the range is enriched.